Trial access
Databases available on a trial or temporary basis:

Martin Opitz Kiadó (until 2024.12.31.)

Martin Opitz Publishers was founded in 2003 specifically to publish scholarly books on history, religious history, architectural sociology, literary history, legal history, linguistics, weapons history, archaeology, art history, and numismatics. The genres range from the major monograph to the doctoral dissertation, from the conference publication to the commemorative volume (Festschrift), from the art album to the collection of anecdotes written with a scholarly interest.

SAGE Journals – Humanities & Social Sciences (HSS) Package (until 2024.06.09)
Sage is one of the world’s largest scientific publishers, with more than 1,100 of its journals from 1999 onwards available in the journal database.
More information, Title list

Századvég Kiadó (until 2024.12.31.)

One of the leading Hungarian publishers in the field of social and political science, the yearly expanding range of publications includes works by both domestic and foreign authors. Its profile focuses primarily on the publication of writings by domestic authors who are of broad interest to the domestic public in the fields of history, political science, sociology and philosophy. Századvég Publishing House is a constantly expanding value-creating workshop in which various segments of Hungarian culture also play a central role: from the history of individual media, theatre and cinema to gastronomy and sociography, it seeks to enrich the world of Hungarian publishing with works that fill gaps in all areas.

Current subscriptions: 

Academic Search Complete
The multidisciplinary database provides full-text access to scientific articles from more than 6,300 peer-reviewed journals, often including the most recent issues. Other resources are also available on the interface.

Akadémiai Kiadó MERSZ
The Hungarian Electronic Reference Service of Akadémiai Kiadó contains full-text versions of nearly 800 Hungarian-language handbooks, reference books, textbooks and notes for higher education, as well as the Hungarian Science Journal issues published since 2017. The selection of works is extended by 100-200 titles per year. The interface offers searchable, individually annotated and citable publications.

Arcanum Digitális Tudománytár (ADT)
Hundreds of journals, gazettes, academic bulletins, yearbooks, weeklies, dailies, encyclopaedias and handbooks are available in full text in the database providing Hungarian content. The ADT is one of the largest online collections of 19th-20th century Hungarians and an important source of Hungarian cultural, social and economic history. The collection is largely composed of 20th century publications, but there is also an abundance of 19th century and, less frequently, 21st century texts.

Argumentum Kiadó
Over the past 30 years, the publisher has published some 900 books on literary history, critical editions, history, educational theory, linguistics, language history, sociology, musicology, book history, art history, theatre history, psychology, ethnography, archaeology and architecture. Co-publishers include ELTE, institutions of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, museums, the OSZK, libraries, archives, the HM Military History Institute and Museum, archives and other academic think tanks.

Art and Architecture Source (EBSCO)
Full-text database of art and architecture, providing access to the full text of 770 periodicals and 220 books from 1928 onwards, and 63,000 items of images.Címlista

Balassi Kiadó
The publisher’s interests include the history of culture, literary history, literary theory, linguistics and language history, history, archaeology, art history, art theory, architecture, sociology, psychology, ethnography, book history, musicology, theatre history, theatre theory. The database is constantly updated and currently contains over 900 individual works. 

Building Types Online (De Gruyter)
Studies, architectural plans and photographic documentation can be accessed in the database, which helps the teaching of architecture.

Bloomsbury Applied Visual Arts
Bloomsbury’s Applied Visual Arts database provides direct access to more than 170 e-books in the fields of fashion and textiles, design, illustration, photography, film and animation, architecture, interior design, marketing and advertising.

Bloomsbury Design Library
The Bloomsbury Design Library database offers diverse and comprehensive scholarly content (e-books, encyclopaedias and reference works, designer biographies, images from museum collections, exhibition archives, bibliographic guides, interactive design history timeline) on the subject of applied art and design.

Cambridge University Press Journals (Full Package)
Cambridge University Press is the academic publisher of one of the world’s leading universities. The full-text multidisciplinary journal database is outstanding, particularly in the humanities and social sciences, but also includes representation from the natural sciences and engineering. Almost 2 million full-text articles are available in more than 400 scientific journals. From 2023, all subscribing institutions will have access to the Full Collection package. Under the agreement with the publisher, researchers from member institutions subscribing through the EISZ will have the opportunity to publish open access in the publisher’s hybrid and gold open access journals.

Gondolat Kiadó
The ever-expanding database, which covers more than 20 disciplines, contains nearly 800 publications in history and social sciences, covering the majority of books published by Gondolat Publishing since 1990.

JSTOR – Full Access Model 

A JSTOR teljes szövegű adatbázisban több más tudományterület mellett elsősorban társadalomtudományi folyóiratcikkek érhetők el. Az adatbázis főleg archív tartalmakat szolgáltat, a folyóiratok legfrissebb 2–5 évfolyama nem érhető el benne.


L’Harmattan Open Access és Archívum
(formerly L’Harmattan Digital Database) Founded in 1999, L’Harmattan Books has published around 1,900 scholarly works over the past 21 years, and has published numerous academic and research publications and series, mainly in the field of humanities and social sciences textbooks. In recent years, they has published between 150 and 170 volumes a year and currently manages more than 150 book series.

Napvilág Kiadó
The database contains more than 400 volumes from the fields of recent history and broadly understood social science. The publications include political biographies, source publications, major monographs and handbooks, providing up-to-date knowledge across a broad spectrum.

Osiris Kiadó
Since 1994, Osiris Publishing has played a leading role in publishing in the humanities, social sciences, higher education and fiction in Hungary, and has also functioned as an intellectual workshop. The database contains nearly 1800 volumes in 20 disciplinary categories.

Oxford Handbooks Online (OHO) – Sociology
Oxford Handbooks Online contains a selection of the publisher’s handbooks on sociology.

ProQuest Art Design and Architecture Collection
Collection of fine and applied arts, including ARTbibliographies Modern, the Design & Applied Arts Index and the International Bibliography of Art, as well as the full-text Arts & Humanities database.

SzóTudásTár (Tinta Könyvkiadó)
Database of dictionaries from Tinta Könyvkiadó. SzóTudásTár is the largest monolingual database of Hungarian dictionaries, the result of two decades of lexicographic and IT work by Tinta Publishing House. The SzóTudásTár contains information on the following linguistic and lexicographic areas of a word: meaning; synonyms; etymology; contrast; pronunciation; compound words; spelling; frequency; abbreviation; meaning and origin of foreign words; meaning of old words; proverbs.

Taylor and Francis Online – Social Sciences & Humanities (SSH) Library
The full text of Taylor and Francis journals is available in the database. Publications span the fields of social sciences, humanities, science, technology and medicine, with more than 2,450 journals in total. Under the agreement with the publisher, researchers from member institutions subscribing through the EISZ have the opportunity to publish open access in the publisher’s corresponding hybrid journals.
Open Access publikálás

Typotex Interkönyv
The database contains almost 800 publications by Typotex Publishers, mostly in Hungarian: higher education textbooks, notes and reference books in the natural and social sciences. The database allows you to search the full text, bookmark, print and save 25% of the works.

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